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Old 06-05-2021, 09:53 AM
philoret philoret is offline
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Default Club Directory Recreation News

Beginning June 2021 the Recreation News published by The Villages and distributed at recreation centers and offices has stopped publishing the directory to clubs and groups meeting at recreation centers, apparently to save printing costs. They fail to do the obvious of publishing the directory separately printing only infrequently. The same information is in Talk of The Villages club section but without the subject classification, organization by topic, in the old Recreation News, so readers can find clubs by nature of activity. I think this termination by the Recreation News is a severe interference with villagers organizing groups as potential new members cannot find them. It would be a great help if Talk of the Villages could enhance the club info section with the same subject classification (like a subject index in a library catalog).
It was said The Villages now advises groups to create their own websites, but I don't see how that actually solves the search problem.
I may attempt to create such a subject catalog if no one else does but am first notifying as many involved people as possible with the problem they created.

The present club info section includes personal telephone contact numbers for groups, which may have been ok in the Recreation News distributed to village residents, but really needs to be replaced by email contacts or website addresses when online for the general public. TOTV does reference club websites when they exist.