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Old 06-08-2021, 08:57 PM
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JohnN JohnN is offline
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Three middle-aged men are golfing one day. All are proud parents, and so they begin to brag about their children.

“My son is doing incredibly well for himself,” the first man says. “He’s a lawyer, and he’s just rolling in the money! In fact, he has so much money that he bought his friend a sports car.”

The second man says, “I can top that. My son is even wealthier! He’s a skilled brain surgeon; he makes a fortune. He has so much money that he bought his friend a huge house.”

“What about you, Frank?” the two men ask their friend.

Frank sheepishly looks at his feet. “Well, my son is, um … well, he’s in gay porn.”

His two friends express their condolences before Frank speaks one more:

“Still, I guess he’s doing well for himself. After all, he has a huge house and drives a brand-new sports car.”