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Old 07-01-2021, 10:00 AM
butlerism butlerism is offline
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Smile You mentioned Carbs

Originally Posted by LizzieBorden View Post
During the pandemic, we decided it was time to “ trim the fat”. Although neither one of us was obese, we decided to reduce the carbs and sugar. Its amazing what that will do. We both lost weight and it was a wonderful thing in that regards. We rode our bikes, and continued to play pickleball. I have always been a cook and I enjoy it. We eat out mostly when we go out with others but our preference is to have others over and eat at home. We prefer to eat home as it tastes so much better, and costs so much less. Also, we dont have to get “dolled up” and can eat on our lanai and enjoy a glass of wine...its all good.

Like you, I saw COVID as a great way to refine my diet and fitness.
Eating out is overrated when you go out all the time.

I add one more to your list.... Salt. "the silent killer".
I had blood work done, what I thought was my salt would be moderate high and sugars low.
NOOP. Just the opposite. Moral of this story. We need to cook our food.
Read the packaging, most things are horribly high in salt and sweeteners. and it is getting worse.

Does anyone know that various beer companies are now using High Fructose Syrup in place of sugar in the fermentation process?
Yes, they created a genetically modified strain of yeast that will react to HFCS and produce alcohol.

Another couple of crazy tricks to better fitness.
1) juicers, my buddy lost 130 pounds

2) Parsley and Lemon body flushes (3 lemons, one bunch of parsley, 1L water, blend) . Its a bit murky but give it a week. It works as you will see that little belly just disappear. Typical regimen is1 8 oz glass in the morning, 7-10 days on, 1 week off.
The other trick to it. Eat nothing for 2 hours after waking up then drink the flush.
This allows your stomach to fully empty.
Fact: most people overeat daily.

3) Carbs..... "The no white food diet". I have trained for many years.
Want to lose weight or trim down? Stop eating white foods. Largely Pasta, Bread, cheese, Rice ( I don't agree with that one), etc. Again unnecessary carbs.

