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Old 07-15-2021, 08:13 AM
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Originally Posted by GrumpyOldMan View Post
I would like your thoughts around "Right to Repair".

My thought is, I believe if I buy something I have a right to repair it anyway I want to, me or a friend or hiring a third party. After all, it is mine.

I also believe a company should have the right to cancel my warranty if I repair my "thing" (whatever it is). I see no reason companies should be burned with fixing things that go wrong because someone opened a device and didn't know what they were doing.

This applies to Cell Phones, Appliances, Automobiles, etc. If I buy it is mine. If I want to keep the warranty in effect, I have to let the company repair it.

A side question is - is the company obligated to provide diagnostic data to customers. This includes those "codes" the car's computers spew when something is wrong. If you don't know the code, it is hard to fix it.

Your thoughts?
I've never even considered that I may not have a right to repair something I own. I do not expect a company to honor their warranty if I tamper with their products however. I've altered, fixed, re-engineered and/or repaired almost every piece of mechanical equipment I've owned for decades. A few exceptions are the specific ones you mention, interestingly. (For the most part anyway.) This has worked to my personal advantage probably 95% of the time, if not more, and saved me big money and even more frustration.

I don't know that a company would be 'obliged' to give you diagnostic info, but they may sell it or it may even be available elsewhere.