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Old 07-19-2021, 05:25 AM
MandoMan MandoMan is offline
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Originally Posted by Professor View Post
Just a word of caution to those who have been vaccinated. Turns out that some individuals (one of us personally learned this first hand) who have a compromised immune system, kidney disease, diabetes, or transplants and who have been vaccinated may not have generated antibodies to the Covid Vaccination.

Rheumatologist casually mentioned this during a routine exam, ran a Covid test (to see if we ever had Covid because if you have had it you naturally generate some antibodies) and then ran a Spike test. He was shocked when one of our Spike tests showed no antibodies had been generated by the vaccination. The one with no antibodies has an autoimmune disease.

We are back to wearing masks everywhere...

The worst part of this is most who had the vaccine assume they are now Ok and won't get extremely sick even if they get the virus...nothing could be further from the truth.

Just wanted to make folks aware of the potential issues...
The New York Times last month mentioned evidence that for these people, even if two vaccinations doesn’t do it, often three of the same vaccine will. The CDC is studying it. I would go for that.