Thread: Mosquitos ?
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Old 07-21-2021, 07:49 AM
ThirdOfFive ThirdOfFive is offline
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Originally Posted by sshepard03 View Post
We closed on a home in St. Catherine's 2 weeks ago; we look forward to meeting every single one of you soon, especially the beer drinkers. Unable to move to TV until mid-September, however.

We've been on 4 lifestyle visits (is that a record?). We never had any issues with mosquitos. Does anyone have any comments on the need for a mosquito service at your home ?

I'm from Minnesota, where mosquitoes are a fact of life (in those months, that is, where below-zero temperatures AREN'T a fact of life). Also horse flies, deer flies, gnats, no-see-ums, woodticks, ants, hornets, blackflies, Japanese ladybeetles, and probably quite a few other six- and eight-legged critters that chew on people for a living. I've lived in The Villages for most of a year now and the sum total of the bugs I've seen consist of five cockroaches (all dead--those bug people I hired do a good job), a few ants while I was out walking, a couple of flies that I didn't recognize, and one big-assed bee that sat on my golf cart window and stared at me for awhile before continuing on his appointed rounds.

Bug-wise, TV is heaven!