Thread: Sleep habits
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Old 07-31-2021, 09:57 AM
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Velvet Velvet is offline
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The lawn mowers are our regular alarm clocks. We go to sleep timing it from when they are going to wake us up next morning. Otherwise it is beautifully quiet. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if they could muffle the gas motors, or use something more quiet? I tried ear plugs but my ears react if I use them too often. Other than this noise I live in a very quiet neighborhood. It was a very important decision in buying here. (I have never seen or heard an EMT go by so far.)

The number of hours spent asleep go up with the comfort of the bed. Soft silk comforters, plush pillows, supportive mattress. The smallest wisp of lavender in the air. Very comfy eyeshades. No TV in the bedroom.

Hubby has to coax me out of bed in the morning with the aroma of freshly made coffee - except on the days when the jarring lawn mowers arrive.

Last edited by Velvet; 07-31-2021 at 10:20 AM.