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Old 08-12-2021, 09:21 AM
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Originally Posted by Laker14 View Post
...On every shot, the 3 behind us were "tea potting" (if you stand with one hand on your hip, and the other holding the club, you sort of look like a tea pot from a distance) us, looking impatient....
I absolutely love that term, never heard it before and usually I call it "The Villages Pose"

As an adjunct to your story, I was playing on a champ course with my friend's son, who is a professional at a club in Boca, 27 years old and hits his drives 330+. There was just the two of us behind a foursome, and we were right behind them waiting on every shot. Of course, due to his length, he had to let the group ahead get a little further away than the rest of us even though he was playing the black tees. The group behind us didn't care for that, we occasionally heard a "hit the ball" from them. Apparently they didn't care about the safety of those ahead of us. When we were putting , the group ahead was still on the next tee every hole, but we could look back and see the group behind all "tea potting". So about the 5th time, the two of us turned around, put our hand on one hip, leaned on our putters and stared back at them for about 2-3 minutes. They must have gotten the hint since they didn't do it again.