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Old 08-12-2021, 10:21 AM
Escape Artist Escape Artist is offline
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Originally Posted by MandoMan View Post
Interesting. Thanks for sharing the second link. So many people seem unable to understand that the only way to figure out the efficacy of a vaccine over time is to keep on testing it month by month. They blame drug companies and the CDC for not knowing in advance. Generally, with a new vaccine, it has been tested for several years before it is released, so its longevity is better known. To save lives and businesses, these vaccines were rushed. Who anticipated the giant “lunatic fringe” that would refuse to be vaccinated and so continually put the rest of us at added risk? Who knew we would soon have a more transmissible variant? A booster will be necessary, I think. Perhaps yearly. I seem to recall that 45 years ago, when I moved to Africa and needed a cholera vaccine, it was only good for six months. Then it needed a booster. Flu vaccines are new every year, to an extent. A couple years ago we were told “you can’t catch the same cold twice because you develop antibodies to that virus.” But more recently, researchers have found that those antibodies only last a year or two.

What I’m worried about is the variant that comes along with a much higher death rate than Covid-19. Something more like the Black Plague. It could happen. It only takes a few mutations here and there in an already rampant disease. If it were like the Black Plague, we’d be talking 100 million lost in the U.S. alone. Imagine how that would affect our country. Or our families.
COVID is a coronavirus like the common cold which there never has been a vaccine for so this is new territory for everyone including scientists and doctors. It's the nature of these vaccines that's worrying. While some even doubt the wisdom, efficacy or benefits of getting the seasonal flu vaccines, mRNA is entirely different and maybe getting multiple boosters of genetic-based shot is not the best thing for our immune systems. And don't let anyone tell you otherwise because as we are seeing they don't know themselves.

I have a friend who works for the FDA and works with pharm companies. Very smart guy who has his PhD in the computer tech side of medicine/science. I ran into him in January. He was double-masked and certainly not a COVID denier. When I asked his opinion on the new vaccines they were rolling out, he said he was getting it and urged me to as well but also said the pharm companies, scientists, etc. "just don't know" about long-term efficacy, side effects, etc. (said it to me twice for emphasis) but it was all they had at the moment.