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Old 04-14-2009, 08:09 PM
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Originally Posted by 73Goat View Post
Is this behavior common for the Sales Reps? I won't name the Rep

My wife and I visited on a lifestyle visit a while ago and prior to coming down I made it very clear (at least I thought I did) that we were not in a position to purchase yet. We wanted to look at the models, sample the lifestyle, answer some questions (villa vs SF, golf view, etc).

We accomplished most of that in the first two days, deciding we want a SF (can't live in a Villa), the Golf view was more important than a large lot for a pool, etc). When we arrived the first thing the rep did was ask "Still on the same time table (late this year, mid next). We replied unfortunately yes.

The rep (with whom we've been talking since 2006) is a very nice person, only this one seems to want to apply a lot of pressure to buy now. We viewed the models on Monday and I asked if we could see some available lots so I could get a feel for the golf view vs large lot not golf view etc. The rep seems to have misinterpreted this to mean we wanted to pick a lot - now. In truth, when we found out about the possibility of the up to one year delay in starting we were tempted and had a long, stressful discussion about it until 2am the night before we went to look at the lots - ultimately deciding that we still had to wait to make the commitment on our original schedule. But we NEVER indicated to the Rep a readiness to buy now.

Anyway, the rep had printed plots and placed the plan we liked with a pool/spa on them. The rep did a lot of work and I didn't expect that but appreciated it. After looking at the lots, which were very nice (we're so sad we couldn't buy now, but we can't). when I told the Rep we would buy now if we could, but just can't the Rep got really upset. Visibly angry when we were dropped off at the Sales Office the Rep left us muttering, in a less than friendly tone, "Come back when you're ready to buy." Not very pleasant parting. Since then the Rep has pretty much blown us off. The last day of our visit we wanted to take one last look at the model we settled on and take some measurements for planning purposes. We asked at the Sales Office in the morning if someone could just run us out there. When they offered to call our Rep we said not to bother them, couldn't someone just run us out there for 15 min. I assume the manager came out and told us they didn't have anyone available, but our Rep was free after 1pm the rest of the day. We reluctantly agreed to wait. The Rep calls us at 1:30 and said they are busy and couldn't get away until 5:30 (they knew we had to leave at 3:30 to catch our flight). Which I found a trifle odd given the manager's comments. I used to be a new home sales rep so I understand the desire of the rep not to miss new traffic, but I still think they could have spent 15 minutes with us.

My wife and I are no longer comfortable dealing with this rep.

Does anyone know 1) if they will switch reps for us and, 2) do you think this is fair of us to do (I understand they are on commission)?
I am confused about what happened. I don't understand why you would have the rep show you lots to see how houses are placed because you could see that anytime by viewing the available houses. There are all sorts of houses already built on all sorts of lots.

After touring the models and being shown around by the rep we selected houses from the on line presentations and from the ones shown in the paper and went around with a map and looked at them ourselves. We couldn't get in, but we could look in the windows.

I think that seeing available lots would be something that would happen when you were about ready to buy. But It doesn't excuse the reps behavior at all. That seems very unprofessional to me.

We had Jim Mclaughlin and we think he is wonderfully patient and very helpful and informative. We are very happy with the experience and especially with our lovely home. I hope you will be too.