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Old 09-01-2021, 04:46 AM
jswirs jswirs is offline
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Originally Posted by lkagele View Post
I think that was me. The reason I don't necessarily listen to those entities is because they are too often political.

I don't doubt Fauci is a very smart man but I also don't doubt he has hidden agendas. When he flip flops several times on the advice he gives, he loses me. When he claims no one should question him because he is science, he loses me. When he tries to change the definition of gain of function research, he loses me.

The CDC loses me when it claims gun violence is a disease. The WHO loses me when it covers up for China. The NIH loses me when it won't admit it funded gain of function research. Those organizations all have agendas.

I'm not really a sheeple type of guy. Go ahead and accept everything hook, line and sinker that comes out these governmental agencies. Me, I'll continue to take everything they say with a healthy grain of salt and look for other reliable sources to validate or refute.
You echo my sentiment EXACTLY! And, if I may add, "The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior". Or, if you prefer, "Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me", because they have proven themselves to be untrustworthy. I'll trust my own critical, pragmatic thinking before I trust any of these so called "Experts", and the agencies they represent. They all have their own hidden agendas. IMHO!