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Old 09-01-2021, 10:45 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by blueash View Post
I extracted this from a longer post because it reflects a lack of understanding, which is correctable by information, if the person is interested in learning. You fail to know the mission of the CDC. Yes, the D stands for disease. But their mission is not limited to infectious disease. The Navy is not just boats.

The CDC's role is:

If Covid is causing deaths or disability.. it is in the CDC's role to investigate.
If suicide is causing deaths or disability.. it is in the CDC's role to investigate.
If drug overdose ....
If falls in the home by the elderly is causing ....
If domestic violence is causing deaths or disability...

Are you getting the picture?
The CDC is not just a germ agency, it is charged with collecting data to keep people healthy. What can be a cause of death on a death certificate?

Pretty sure gun violence makes that list.

The CDC collects data on Child Sexual Abuse. Are you angry about that? It's not a disease in the traditional sense.

Your knowledge of what the CDC does is limited. Your choice to not trust it because they include gun violence as a problem in America worth trying to reduce shows you do not understand what the CDC does that is not just germs.

Firearm injuries are in the top five causes of death for people under 65 in the US.

So now that you've learned why the CDC is involved in gun violence research, do you now trust it on other issues?
How about illegal immigrants flooding the border, refusing vaccination and filling Texas hospitals?
Or how about the epidemic of black men killing other black men?
Or how about violence being higher with areas with strict gun control?
Or how about someone who violated the law and funded gain of function research which is killing millions.
Or how about someone with the nuclear codes refusing a cognitive ability test?