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Old 09-12-2021, 07:45 PM
Cindyd Cindyd is offline
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I think it’s a really complex issue. I believe the negation would include prices for VA, military, Medicare, Medicaid, all fed healthcare programs, and if The US is the drugs only market, highly unlikely, prices would have to go up for Americans not on any of above program.

What Trump was trying to do was get US on same pricing scale as other developed countries. For example I’m prescribed a ointment that cost $360 per tube if I go through my Medicare RX program. If I buy online from a Canadian pharmacy it costs me $40.

In the past Big Pharma has said that lowering prices would impact new product development, which makes sense. But, if all countries were put on same price, all contributed based on per capita to award research grants through org such as WHO or NIH, it would work…the grant part obviously needs lots of controls.

I also think we need to get drug mfg out of China, which depending on where mfg occurs, would impact costs.

Now, having said that, It will never happen as big pharma equals big political donors