Thread: Putting Lesson
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Old 09-20-2021, 08:34 AM
Mortal1 Mortal1 is offline
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define a "good lesson"...putting is an art because it takes a good eye to spot small breaks in a putt. you can get all the basics from a YouTube video...from there it takes hours/weeks/years to become a good putter and practicing is the biggest key to attaining that skill. just putting hundreds of balls won't return excellent results, but knowing why/how to stroke a putt for desired distance and aiming are a must. luck.

getting lessons from a professional is much easier than trying to decipher a video as you can get feedback immediately from your instructor to make corrections or clarify a point. in the end it still requires hours of practice without the professional teacher and if you might be expecting a "magic" solution just watch pro golfers practice...all the time. Your aim likely isn't to get as good as a pro golfer, but strangely enough that is the one area of the game(chipping too)that amateurs can as do well as the pros.