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Old 09-20-2021, 09:37 AM
Scorpyo Scorpyo is offline
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Originally Posted by jimjamuser View Post
In general, pit bulls should be outlawed in the US, since dogfighting is history and was a stone-age throwback set up for an audience of sadistic neanderthals. Today junkyard owners actually feed gun powder to their guard dogs (like pit bulls) to make them crazy and aggressive. Today there are SO, SO many breeds of dogs to chose from - why mess with a potential lawsuit from a breed that has historically been violent and has bitten SO many Americans and their children. Many children need plastic surgery on their faces from pit bull attacks. I practically regurgitate when I see an older man or woman walking a pit bull - often without human control. It's ALL very unnecessary.
You are so right. Violently trained dogs should be euthanized. I guess that should include police dogs and military dogs as well. After all they do attach humans and the majority of them are not Pitt Bulls. Everyone knows it's not their training, it's their nature.
While we're at it destroy all cars. They kill around 50,000 people a year and we know it's not the driver. Of course we can use the same logic for guns, alcohol and drugs. Never, ever blame the person who trains the dog, drives the car, uses the gun, etc. After all people are so perfect and responsibility where it belongs is such a silly thing to consider.

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