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Old 09-21-2021, 08:09 AM
rrb48310 rrb48310 is offline
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Default Should’ve

Originally Posted by merrymini View Post
I have known several people who got the virus and were unvaccinated. All recovered with no long term effects. The shots do help with symptoms but you can get it anyway. A very small percentage die, mostly people with physical issues, obesity, aged related issues. Over 98 percent recover! These stories always being to mind the people who sell their house in two hours. Yes, it can happen but usually doesn’t.
Ok, BUT have you heard of anyone who had Covid say I’m glad I didn’t get the shot?

I personally know of friends and acquaintances that were “non-vaccers “ that got Covid were hospitalized and recovered that now are posting on social media to get vaccinated.

Why take the chance

I agree with a fellow poster, it’s about protecting one another (not political) and our economy. Matthew 25 looking out for your fellow man (woman and CHILDREN).
Never grow up, cause in the immortal words of John Cougar, Mellencamp... "Growing up leads to growing old and then to dying, and dying to me don't sound like all that much fun"