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Old 09-21-2021, 08:26 AM
Wyseguy Wyseguy is offline
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Originally Posted by Bob.Betty View Post
A person can go to a number of articles, opinions, doctors, etc. etc. and find the information to support their own opinions. My wife and I (both boomers) do not (and will not) get flu shots, shingles shots, covid shot, or any other shot offered to us. We have both had covid and amazingly enough survived to tell about it. In fact I personally know many people including family members and friends who have had it....NONE of them died. A person must do what is right for them, you are exposed to many harmful things everyday.
Stay clear of the golf cart paths if you don't want to get run over.
It is not enough for me to stay away from golf cart trails (Yes I am afraid of getting hit); I do not want ANYONE to be able to play golf. Don't you care about others?