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Old 09-21-2021, 12:15 PM
OrangeBlossomBaby OrangeBlossomBaby is offline
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Originally Posted by Swoop View Post
Let me be the first to tell you that I had Covid and I’m still glad that I didn’t get the shot.

My stages were:
1: Dry cough for a couple of days
2: Then a little lethargic for a three days. Two of those days I had muscle/joint aches
3: Temporary loss of smell

My doctor offered a Steroids, I opted not to.
Since my cough lasted three weeks. That classified me as a Covid long hauler. (Any symptoms lasting more than two weeks is classified as long haul)
It’s been seven weeks since my initial symptoms. I have antibodies, I feel normal and I haven’t received a vaccine that has no long term studies regarding side it’s effects.
Awesome, good for you!

Meanwhile, my sister ended up sick as a dog for three months, because of someone JUST LIKE YOU.

The downside is, she -can't- vaccinate because of a bloodclotting disorder. So people JUST LIKE YOU will continue roaming freely, coughing their way through life.