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Old 09-25-2021, 10:10 AM
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Taltarzac725 Taltarzac725 is offline
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The British and German shows do seem better if you like the Masterpiece Theater type of show. More character development and less sex and violence.

Originally Posted by NotGolfer View Post
I'm almost home-bound (not due to covid but physical issues) so watch A LOT of television. I used to watch the original then went on with the off-shoots but that was short-lived. Too much of the same-old, same old and as another poster said NOT much imagination. Take that over to the Law and Order (I like crime shows if done well) franchise. Binge-watched SVU during the lock-down but got weary of it. When the new season began, decided to give it another shot (the 2-hr "special" was tedious IMO) then went on to the off-shoot one. Decided it's too dark for me so won't continue. Doubt I will with the SVU too. It was better, early on---but again my personal taste.
I no longer remain faithful to the 3 networks anymore and their prime-time junk. I'm finding I like the British police shows, their dramas too PLUS old re-hashing of series from years ago that we watched in our youth. They're lighter and funnier...again my opinion.