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Old 10-02-2021, 09:06 AM is offline
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Default Your going to begrudge someone $200

Originally Posted by JMintzer View Post
What cheapness? Someone was simply pointing out that tipped employees make less because the government considers tips as part of their wages.

At the restaurant you mentioned, one poster's granddaughter makes $200/night in tips.

That's an additional $25/hour, based on an 8 hour shift... More, if they work less...

And I agree that tipping should be abolished. They should be paid more and not have to worry about tips. But guess what? Most servers don't want that to happen...
what about the slow nights when that same server makes half that or the manager cuts there shifts or just gets rid of them for people he knows , did they get any shifts during Covid or how about when there child gets sick and they have to stay home and not get paid.and how many older servers do you see around in there late 40’s or 50’s and the bartenders male or female who don’t have a certain look anymore (like being old or not attractive)and out they go, this happens everywhere .I eat out mosts night wherever I am and I’m friends with many service people from what I have observed and the stories I’ve been told of all the places I’ve lived there more people here that undertip not a lot but more then I would have thought, I’m saying this from my own observations and from servers and bartenders that are just casual friends but also from some woman I have dated here.So I’ll go on being a sucker and over tip these people that are getting rich while I struggle along on my fixed income ,? Oh poor me I live in the villages , I don’t have to work , gas went up, milk is almost $10 a quart , I can’t go to Publix , hmmm I know where I can cutback I’ll go to a nice restaurant and when the bill comes do I’ll leave 10% because in the old day I worked for a dollar an hour