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Old 10-02-2021, 09:50 AM is offline
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Default Why would anyone find it

Originally Posted by Luggage View Post
And if you went to aldi's the cost be 10 to $20 less! I find it incredible that some people still shop at Publix all the time or some of the other stores around here. I'm not saying everything is cheaper or better but for a lot of goods, Save-A-Lot and aldis, are much cheaper. Until covid 18 months ago, aldies was selling a dozen eggs for 58 cents! And their liquid egg whites was always a dollar a carton less than Publix. Fresh salmon at $7.79 compared to Publix sometimes 11.99.
The main problem with Aldi is that they have a very small selection of fresh fish, and few national brands as well as I have found almost no Chinese or some other ethnic products except for Spanish. They do have a great wine selection and a chocolate selection as well as an aisle of nuts . You do have to put a quarter in for a cart which you get back afterwards and you have to bring your own bags. Most vegetables and fruits are very good and very cheap as well, so if you really want to save money change your grocery store
incredible that people still shop at Publix , maybe they like it there and I see young families as well as retirees shopping there maybe they like it for the well run store and the quantity of products and that if something isn’t there the manager will get it , or maybe they just don’t want to stick a quarter in the cart machine and come back to get it or bring there own germ filled bags that I think most use over and over , This thread seems to be all about everyone is suffering but it doesn’t feel that way to me , we’ve had inflation before and the prophets of doom banged the drum that this surly was close to the end well it wasn’t and it won’t be this time either