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Old 10-20-2021, 06:36 PM
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villagetinker villagetinker is offline
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I am a utility engineer that helped write the national standards for these systems with 30 years experience on the utility side, and I have not seen any system in FLORIDA that makes any economic sense. In deregulated states, the utilities actually pay a reasonable rate for solar energy. Here it is NET metering period. Also, none of the "financial analysis" takes into consideration the time value of money (the amount of money you lose when you pay for the system up front), and be very cautious of the NO COST plans. These tend to have a contract, you do NOT own the solar panels, you get a lien on your house, and if you decide to sell the new owner MUST take over the lease, you cannot cancel.
If the OP really wants customers, they will need to be up front with some more details. I really wanted to do this with my background, but once I found out the oppressive nature of the Florida utilities, I gave up.
Pennsylvania, for 60+ years, most recently, Allentown, now TV.