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Old 10-26-2021, 01:06 PM
biker1 biker1 is offline
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I believe the correct term is inoculation. The smallpox vaccine wasn't developed for another 20 years.

Originally Posted by Happydaz View Post
I am amazed at the resistance of many of the unvaccinated to scientific facts. I had a friend die recently. His wife, who was vaccinated, tried to get him to have a shot. She even had a doctor speak to him to no avail. He believed that the vaccines would alter his DNA! He got Covid. He was then hospitalized and died a few weeks later gasping for breath. The first American to require a vaccination was George Washington. Small pox was threatening his army. The British soldiers were mostly vaccinated so General Washington ordered his troop to get inoculated. Let’s not forget the polio vaccine we all got. We lined up and drank whatever they put in that cup. The internet has degraded intelligent argument and decision making.