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Old 11-15-2021, 08:55 AM
Andrea3051 Andrea3051 is offline
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Originally Posted by Fielder View Post
Do I need to have my dog on a leash when we are out working on the yard or just when we leave our property? Someone told me today that he is supposed to be on a leash when i was out watering my plants today. I cannot find the proper ordinance to answer this.
glad you brought this up as I am having this issue in my neighborhood. I encounter stories all the time of dogs in yards unleashed and passerby dogs & owners getting attacked. There are leash laws but they do not apply to private property, so can you do this, yes, should you, NO! without a fence or leash, your dog is not under your control 100% thereby placing them and anyone close by at risk, is that being a good respectful neighbor? NO IT ISN'T. Some people are afraid of dogs, imagine if they just want to take a walk? I am shocked to see this happening here in "the Friendliest town" and when one person does it, other dog owners follow suit creating an unsafe and unfortunate situation for anyone walking their dogs thru the neighborhood.

case in point: My two neighbors have off leash dogs running around with them in front of their homes, I come out one morning and begin walking my dog down the street. two of the little ones see us and begin chasing after us as their owner "screams" to retrieve them, is this OK with everyone? my lovely quiet relaxing Sunday morning was shot to hell, I have since purchased Dog defense items to carry. I lived in a big city and never had to carry these items but I do here... something is wrong with this picture.....