Thread: Honest People
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Old 12-11-2021, 12:35 PM
Buckeyephan Buckeyephan is offline
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Default Honest People

While at Dulles Airport when returning from Thanksgiving with family, my husband realized he had lost his wallet. He returned to the TSA checkpoint but it wasn't there. He left his name and number but never heard back. When we got home, we reported that our credit card was lost and were happy to learn there weren't any unexpected charges on it. On a whim, I filled out lost item official forms for both TSA and Dulles. To our surprise, two days later we got an email telling us that it had been found. We filled out the release form, sent a copy of his passport as the government ID and included a prepaid UPS label. These were required for it to be returned. Thursday, we received his wallet. Not only were all of his cards there, but so was all of the money. I wish we could trace the "chain of custody" for the wallet so we could thank everyone involved in getting it to the Dulles lost and found. It is heartwarming to know that there are honest and kind people who helped his wallet find its way home. Happy Holidays to all of you.