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Old 01-04-2022, 03:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Old Bob View Post
I don't understand why anyone would want to be tested. Either you are sick or not, and I think I can tell the difference without a test.
But there are thousands of asymptomatic people in the long lines to get tested. To those that think it is so wonderful to get tested for no reason, consider this: Every year 35-70,000 Americans die from influenza (but apparently no longer now that we can blame COVID). Has anyone, EVER gone and get tested for flu if they had no symptoms???? Did thousands of asymptomatic people go wait in line to get tested for flu???? Did government offices and cruise ships require masks PLUS proof of flu vaccination to enter????? The scale may be a bit larger (how much larger is hard to say since EVERY sniffle is being reported as COVID), but the principle is the same.