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Old 01-12-2022, 02:17 PM
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Originally Posted by Miekies View Post
Bless your heart you really don't listen to anything but CNN, MSNBC and the 3 networks.

Ever wonder why Africa and other 3rd world countries are not completely over run by mass covid casualties since they cannot afford these extremely expensive vaccines? These 2 drugs have been used for decades and decades because they are cheap and effective antiviral drugs, used on and off label. I'm. Fascinated by the number of people and doctors that are terrified to actually treat covid. If you actually treat it early, rather than sit home and wait to see if you can't breathe the success rate is outstanding. My ENT Dr in Houston has turned her entire practice into treating covid positive patients (vaxed and unvaxed) early and aggressively. She's not loss one patient and less than .03% have entered the the hospital and not one in a ventilator. She openly shares her data, treatment and stats because she believes everyone should be treated and given the best chance.
Breathe MD Houston
Bless your heart... You have no idea whom you're debating...
Most things I worry about
Never happen anyway...

-Tom Petty