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Old 01-14-2022, 10:28 AM
Dana1963 Dana1963 is offline
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It depends if you live in coastal communities with mortgage you are required to have WIND AND STORM DAMAGE policy the deductible may be as low as $500 BUT if it's a declared named storm deductible is 2% of the value of the home.
Also in coastal areas if you have a mortgage FLOOD INSURANCE premiums are assessed at the elevation of your home/dwelling on flood estimate levels.
My home in the Villages has $1000 deductible if damage is caused by a named storm my deductible will be 2% no other policy is required, unless you feel you may need FLOOD INSURANCE. my elevation above sea level is 75 feet the closest body of water is 20 feet what are the odds if I lived on Evan Prairie I might consider it.