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Old 01-26-2022, 08:22 AM
CoachKandSportsguy CoachKandSportsguy is offline
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Originally Posted by rustyp View Post
You seem quite knowledgeably in finance. Are you presently selling financial instruments? In the state of Florida ? If you are selling what are your credentials ? Education, licenses, fiduciary, specialties. etc.
When you see me selling something, please turn me in. and I have answered this question before. . . Typing that I did something is not selling something, its a statement of historical fact. Telling you that I am doing something, is not selling anything. now I know who the google lawyer is . .

Corporate finance professional 30 years , operational BS and 8 years petroleum operational experience. MBA in finance, have worked valuing companies to buy and sell at a holding company, buying and selling financial companies. Have published a market forecasting article, and have traded options and stocks for 40 years . . with trading and investing experience in more than equities.

you don't need a license to understand the market, you don't need a license to type about markets, otherwise the investment club would be in violation as well.

And i took my Linkedin profile down since the next two years is my last rodeo, and workign in finance in critical national infrastructure makes me a russian or otherwise hacking and phishing target. . have seen it, I will attend the investment club when i retire in TV/ / so you are warned, and please assemble your legal team to monitor whatever I say or do. . . just be sure to pay for their lunch to make it worthwhile