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Old 01-27-2022, 12:50 PM
Worldseries27 Worldseries27 is offline
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Default 3 blind mice

Lets see,
1. Players are selected to hof by a vigilantee group of sportswriters who openly admit their personal biases affect their decisions which would disqualify them from any jury in the usa.
2. Mlb who actually employed the hof candidates sits back and allows this besirchment
to happen to their organization.
3. Same mlb organization doesen't have the moral certitude to declare world series titles vacant after establishing the guilt of " winners" in effect allowing 29 mlb owners to be defrauded by one other owner twice in recent years. They didn't want to wear the black eye of the necessary mea culpa . Why? You ask?
So their ratings and profits stay high with no further embarrassment in the public eye.
4. Mlb. Grow a pair. Police your own sport.
You benefitted from the steroids era and now throw it's participants under the busses driven by your media vassals. Pt barnum said it best.
" there's suckers ( us) born everyday.