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Old 03-28-2022, 05:41 PM
jimjamuser jimjamuser is offline
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Originally Posted by Byte1 View Post
I doubt China is interested in Russia, per se. China has always been interested in Taiwan and taking it back. Until now, we have stood in the way. After seeing how "loyal" we have been to Ukraine, I see China taking back Taiwan with very little resistance from Taiwan and none from us.
China is overpopulated along its own eastern border. China needs oil and there is likely oil in Siberia. Russian population is concentrated in Russia's western region. So, China looks at Russia's eastern underpopulated area like a starving dog looks at a freshly grilled steak. China would not have to go to war with Russia to get parts of Eastern Russia - they could buy or trade for those parts. Russia will NEED Chinese trade more in the future.