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Old 04-07-2022, 08:55 AM is offline
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Originally Posted by Pairadocs View Post
Agreed, we've added another, we NEVER take the word (or words on a car or truck) that the contractor is registered with the state AND has insurance. Can't tell you how many, at least SIX times, when all else was satisfactory to have some work done, last step was to check with state and....SURPRISE... the NUMBERS on the business card were ACTUAL numbers connected to the name and business...but... were NOT CURRENT ! In other words, state employee said a business will often register and have the proper insurance ONCE, to get a valid number, but that does not mean they have kept it up to date and filed the current insurance annually. It's as if YOU registered your auto and got both insurance and plates.... then NEVER did anything again, just kept the insurance card in your auto or wallet, and never bought an annual renewal of license plates/tags ! Dah ! NEVER NEVER skip actually checking because some who "looked legit", gave you a card with insurance # and information about being registered, N.E.V.E.R. The guy who gives you the cheapest estimate to cut down that big tree, may turn out to be a huge expense if you have to take care of him or his employee for the rest of their life when they fall OUT of that tree. It only takes 10-15 to make this VITAL check with the state of Florida, but, probably 75% will not !
off topic , Florida and Mississippi lead the nation in uninsured drivers