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Old 05-22-2022, 08:43 AM is offline
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Originally Posted by Rich Iwaszko View Post
They say he lost 40 million gambling. How can they prove that number?

1. No bookie is going to admit that number lest they be arrested for not declaring that money to the IRS.

2. Vegas will not declare that either as the secrecy of its gamblers would be breached.

3. If his tax returns say that, then he had wins of 40 million as he can only declare his losses up to his winnings.

4. If a good friend said that then it is hearsay

While Phil, who has made over 900 million dollars from tour winnings and advertising contracts, which is verifiable, stays secluded in his 13,000 square foot home, growing a mustache and beard so he can go out in public, one wonders where fact and fiction collide. He is now on everyones doggybag list, as he should be, but, some of the piling on has to be questioned.
I don’t know what Phil has lost but I’ll tell you that most book makers and shylocks love to gossip about winners and losers , I grew up in a neighborhood full of illegal gambling and with many friends who made a living at it, they love to talk,about big winners and losers ..I just bet football games and basket ball and hockey playoffs , but I can tell you if my guy has time to chat , he’s going to mention some big betters and bets . I also shoot dice in a few illegal games ,one is a very big game in Orlando , you can find out anything about anyone at these games , Gamblers love to talk lol