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Old 06-07-2022, 08:04 AM
DaddyD DaddyD is offline
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Originally Posted by Ben Franklin View Post
You can always tell someone who hasn't used marijuana, they are sure to find negative articles, most likely found on the internet, while they are drinking booze and never looking up the negative aspects of alcohol use.

I also notice the above post also states the negative effects of those who use marijuana frequently in large amounts. Alcohol is worse, so why aren't they demanding the abolition of alcohol?
100% this!

I've never seen fights start because someone got too high--I've seen LOTS of fights start because someone got drunk & angry.

I've never heard about a woman getting date-raped or groped / improperly touched because someone got too high (I'm not suggesting it's NEVER happened, but I'd bet it's rare), but it happens ALL THE TIME by men who get drunk & aggressive.

People who get buzzed or drunk on alcohol have a tendency to speed &/or drive aggressively / recklessly, while stoners most often drive slowly in the right hand lane.

It's mystifying how, even in 2022, so many people are still unable to think for themselves, but instead cling to their Richard Nixon-induced "reefer madness" mentality.

It's odd how someone with even a half-a-brain could pontificate about the harmful effects of cannabis, while ignoring the overwhelming evidence and statistics that prove WITHOUT A DOUBT that alcohol and tobacco are FAR worse in terms of negative effects to one's personal health and to overall society.

And while we're on that topic, processed food, fast food, sugared soft drinks, etc., have resulted in an epidemic of obesity and childhood diabetes, yet I never hear these cannabis fear-mongers preaching about the dangers of such unhealthy eating habits.

Those among you who have never tried cannabis but who take opioid-based prescribed medicine from your doctor, or who have sleep issues and regularly take sleep meds prescribed by your doctor--do you REALLY think those things are less dangerous than an unprocessed plant created by G-d or nature / evolution?