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Old 06-13-2022, 09:13 AM
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Assuming the poster is serious, here is a plausible explanation:

Global warming is an established fact. What we are discussing is not global warming, but global weather change.

Climate is the movement of the atmosphere above the surface of the earth. Put a pot of warm water on a burner on your stove. You can see swirling in the water. Now, turn up the heat. The swirls become deeper and more violent. In earth's atmosphere, those violent heat-induced swirls result in more frequent and violent hurricanes. Some of those violent swirls sweep cold polar down under warmer surface air in lower altitudes causing heavy rain and snow storms.

Heat energy also influences the jetstream, a major factor in climate. Have you noticed that the American west is drying and burning up?

Heat energy also plays havoc with ocean currents which dramatically influence climate - though over a longer period.

Considering that we humans are still releasing more C02 into the air every year, it is safe to say that your grandchildren are likely to experience a much more hostile, perhaps horrible world than we will leave.