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Old 06-25-2022, 11:04 AM
kansasr kansasr is offline
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Default Still can't see my bill

It's now been a full day since I received notice of my bill under the new system. Every attempt to actually look at the bill tells me to "try again later". Not a fan so far!

Originally Posted by twoplanekid View Post
I really appreciate all of the comments on this posting as I am on the NSCUDD board. While district staff did present this new change for utility billing to the board, the focus was on possible saving if and when enough customers would discontinue the use of having paper statements sent to them. This new firm is supposed to actively promote this switch to using only online statements as this new firm is costing us a little bit more than the previous billing firm. The board was never shown nor discussed the new access method other than staff saying online billing statements would look very similar to what was shown on the old system.

While local boards with local control sound good and are promoted, it’s not always a panacea to produce and monitor public programs. Now, if I can just find my account number to access my statement.