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Old 06-27-2022, 07:25 AM
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Originally Posted by waterflower View Post
I have used the Pulse machine for a broken foot. After 20 hours of therapy I was completely healed. Look at there website. Highly recommend the therapy for many illnesses. The owners wife was healed of cancer from the therapy.
Since blue responded to the first post, I'll take this one, it's a complete softball.

There are three possibilities:
a) the foot was never fractured in the first place
b) the foot was never "completely healed" in 20 hours
c) the fracture was 99% healed before PEMF was ever applied

Simply put, chemotactic factors at the fracture site cannot attract enough osteoclasts and osteoblasts to remodel bone and lay down new osseous matrix in 20 hours, even 20 days is a stretch.
So, was the fracture diagnosed by a health care professional with examination and radiographs, PEMF prescribed, and then reexamined and x rays repeated 20 hours later with the professional declaring the fracture to be "completely healed". Somehow, I doubt it.

As far as "highly recommended for many illnesses" goes, by whom?????Internet testimonials????? Manufacturer????? Hmmmmm.......