Thread: TooJay’s
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Old 08-23-2022, 08:09 AM
juddfl juddfl is offline
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Thank you for mentioning people that are allergic to animal dander. Many years ago I made an airline reservation months in advance. This is when the airlines first started allowing animals on flights. A women got on the plane and sat next to me. She had a cute small dog. After a short time, I started to notice that I was getting a tightness in my chest and started to wheeze. I excused myself and went to the stewardess and told her that I had a problem. The only solution was for one of us to move all the way to the back of the plane. Guess who had to move? I was the one with the problem, so I had to go to the rear of the plane. I called the airline when I returned and asked if there is any way I could know in advance if there would be an animal on a flight I was going to be on. I was told that they don't know in advance if someone is bringing an animal. The only solution would be to ask to be moved further away from the animal or wait to get on the next flight and there would be no guarantee if there would be an animal on that flight. I guess her dog had more of right to be on that flight than I did.