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Old 08-29-2022, 03:40 PM
jimjamuser jimjamuser is offline
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Originally Posted by LianneMigiano View Post
Worse yet are the ridiculous sums paid to CEO's! Don't ever tell me that they "worked hard for it"... There's NO AMOUNT of work worth the kind of money they are paid. Athletes shouldn't be either - but they are at least putting their physical health condition on-the-line. TV/movie stars are another group of overpaid people. How did this world ever get this skewed out of line????
"How did the system get skewed out of line"? Well, one big factor is the changes in taxes and tax brackets that began evolving in the 1950s for the benefit of the more wealthy. Any country's government can control the amount of greedy overreach by way of its tax law. Another factor is social values of fairness. Around 1980 just like in the movie, America adopted a "greed is good" philosophy, which persists today (and can be seen right here in this forum)

Not all countries SHARE the US deification of GREED. This may have changed, but around 1990 Japanese CEOs would be SHAMED in society if their salary was more than 10 times that of their average worker. Recently Japanese citizens returned lost paper money to the bank in that nuclear accident. It shows big differences in attitudes in different countries. Maybe Japanese people have greater respect for their laws and their fellow citizens?

Jingoism is a belief in EXTREME patriotism and that one's own country IS the best at everything.