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Old 08-30-2022, 06:04 PM
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Originally Posted by jimjamuser View Post
I believe that a lot of the generosity and charity of those famous historic wealthy individuals came about because of pressure from the tax system. Carnegie, likely had a choice between paying taxes to the Federal Government or giving money to a library system and a University. It's like a choice between giving money locally or to the whole nation. He probably gave locally for many reasons - one of which would be that his name would be on many buildings in his local area. The highest tax bracket that he was in may ? have been partly responsible for his generosity. I would think that this is an example of good laws (tax laws) nudging citizens in the RIGHT direction.

I am NOT a gifted Historian and I have no way to be sure just what was the relationship of those "Captains of US Industry" and the existing tax law of that era. I would IMAGINE that there was an effect. There seems to be some high level Historians here in TV Land, so maybe they could render a further clarification of that question?

I appreciate your interesting comments on America's great "Industry Captains.
Those "Captains of Industry" had another name... "Robber Barons"...
Most things I worry about
Never happen anyway...

-Tom Petty