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Old 09-05-2022, 06:18 AM
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Originally Posted by Ral51Bjl View Post
I signed a contract with Superior landscape services. I requested they notify me so I could unlock the gate to backyard and to close off the doggie door. There is a serious communication within their office and the people that service the landscaping. They haven’t been to our yard since July and here it is Sept. The technicians get their service lists in the morning and I see no reason for them not to contact me then. They assured me they would be here yesterday, so I texted the technician and when he text me back the answer was “huh?” He didn’t show up and I haven’t. I requested to cancel the contract and was told I could cancel but my mo he would not be refunded. Very frustrated!
I have had similar problems with lawn care. I found that the large yardcare companies tend to have a high turnover, and the people they hire often don’t know how to do the job and/or are not willing to take the time to follow instructions such as “please knock before going into the backyard so I can secure my dogs.” We have had our dogs let out, the gate left open, the lawn scalped so that it took six months or so to fill in, workers yelling at us. We finally went with an individual rather than a yardcare company. The result is that our yard always looks nice, he always knocks so we can secure our dogs, and the cost is lower.
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