Thread: Steak
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Old 09-17-2022, 12:18 PM
Blackbird45 Blackbird45 is offline
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Default Sous vide Fan

Originally Posted by Vermilion Villager View Post
Hate to burst everyone's bubble about steak houses and restaurants cooking steaks. They actually put them in a baggie and put the baggie in boiling water. They put a meat thermometer in the steak, and once it reaches the temperature desired for the level of doneness the customer wants they pull it out and sear it in a frying pan. You're basically eating boiled meat for $40 a plate.
I'm a sous vide fan, I've never been able to nail down a steak the way I like it, but when it comes to fish and pork you can't beat it. You put it in a vacuum seal bag set it for the internal temperature you want, when it done it alerts you, you cut open the bag, dry it and sear it. You don't even need a pan you can blowtorch it. It's great if you have guest over.