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Old 09-24-2022, 10:25 AM
InnovativeConcreteCoatings InnovativeConcreteCoatings is offline
Join Date: Aug 2022
Location: We are located in Summerfield FL and run from home based business (Until we find a Store Front.)
Posts: 151
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Thanked 25 Times in 21 Posts

While I did post three times it was in different groups. One of each of the areas I service. I thought it posted to each group individually. Ivan see now that it put it on the main page feed. I apologize for offending you and this isn’t spam at all this is what my paid subscription allows me to do. You do have the option of not looking at the post. We just want to get the word of our company out there and post is how we do it. Again sorry this bothered you enough to write a comment about my post
John Paull
Innovative Concrete Coatings, LLC
