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Old 09-28-2022, 05:30 PM
TimeForChange TimeForChange is offline
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Originally Posted by bklogistic View Post
Just moved to Villages and looking for GP who understands low carb/keto and cholesterol numbers. With this diet my cholesterol is higher than normal and I’m okay with that. Don’t want a Dr who simply works for big pharma and wants to prescribe a statin. Been down that road and not doing again. Please PM any referrals.
You do not need a Dr. to eat low carbs and lose weight. Eat a better breakfast like eggs (mostly egg whites with one yoke) and even bacon or sausage. If you eat bread eat no enriched flower but rye or pumpernickel. Eat very little sweets but use fruit instead. Eat an energy bar and or a fruit for lunch. Have a meat and two vegies for dinner stay away from fried potatoes. For snacks eat nuts or grapes. Walk three to four times a week for thirty minutes. I have lost 40 lbs. doing that and I still have my cocktails at 5PM. This is a diet from a cardiologist who wrote a book called Sugar Busters years ago. He was much sticker for the first two weeks but it works.