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Old 09-29-2022, 05:03 AM
Stu from NYC Stu from NYC is online now
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Originally Posted by golfing eagles View Post

There are doctors that work for "big pharma", they usually are running phase 2 and 3 trials on new drugs, evaluating post marketing data on efficacy and side effects, and some are in administration. The clinicians in practice seeing patients that were referred to as "GPs" DO NOT work for "big pharma". Also, unless they were sleeping through 4 years of pre-med, 4 years of medical school and at least 3 years of residency, they all know far, far more about cholesterol than their patients.

As far as "wanting to prescribe a statin", there are fairly well defined criteria and targeted LDL levels depending on risk factors for prescribing one. If someone wants to decline the prescription despite meeting criteria, they are probably taking an unnecessary chance.

Also, some friendly advice: People who are looking for "alternative" medical treatment are ripe targets for all the quacks out there----"nutritionists", holistic "doctors", weight management clinics, chiropractors with a side business and any other snake oil salesmen. Please don't get drawn in.

I hope blueash sees this post and responds, I'd be interested in her opinion.
So in other words if we see this on the internet it just might not be true?