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Old 09-30-2022, 10:46 AM
ThirdOfFive ThirdOfFive is offline
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Originally Posted by joelfmi View Post
” If you establish a climate baseline, then you can compare what’s actually happening to the baseline and that might demonstrate that the whole thing is baloney. That would be awkward. It happened after Katrina. Oh, Katrina’s proof positive that Gaia is really ticked off and…and…and…then we had a bunch of years without much hurricane action at all. You might think that this would be evidence that maybe the climate wasn’t in chaos, and that they would be happy to be proven wrong, but no, it doesn’t work that way. Every time the weather fits the narrative, you see, it’s proof that the climate kooks are right, and every time the weather fails to fit the narrative, well, weather’s not climate. At least until the next heat wave or storm; then weather will totally be climate again.
A major issue of climate change is its contradictions. A study on Antarctica show that even though the icebergs are melting at the same time in the interior the snow is growing and its more cold than it ever was. This contradicts the theory of global warming. People attribute this phenomena as being caused by alien cities under the ice sheets of Antarctica which isn't entirely impossible considering that we haven't explored much of the continent. I am making no comment on this and it is for you to decide whether to believe it or not.
Science is NOT dogma. Good science is nothing more than revising theories as more complete and accurate data is obtained.