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Old 10-17-2022, 12:37 PM
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Daddymac Daddymac is offline
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The fire department staffers calculated the new fire assessment fee. Based on the results of this analysis, she determined that Instead of paying $124.00, they will be paying $516.00. Your fee will be different from others because all properties ARE NOT being assessed the same fee. The fee will be based on the MARKET VALUE of your house. A home in your neighborhood may be paying more than you or less than you, even though you will be receiving the SAME SERVICES. If your house burns, or another house burns, both will still get the same number of responders and fire trucks no matter how much of a fee has been paid.

There is no cap on the residential fees that will be charged, and they can increase yearly. There is a cap on commercial properties … Guess who that benefits?
There ARE NO NEW SERVICES if the referendum passes!

I am very concerned, and do not like the thought of paying this added tax on top of all the other taxes we already pay…......and based on MARKET value!!

Ambulances have been purchased and are ready to go October 1, 2022 and will be staffed with paramedics from the fire dept.

If the referendum is VOTED DOWN, the county continues to fund the fire dept. (FUNDING HAS NEVER BEEN DENIED BY THE COUNTY) and we continue to receive all the services we have been getting.
The referendum, if passed, would set up a NEW TAXING DISTRICT controlled by The Villages for the first 3–5 years before we can start electing villagers of our choice. If the referendum is passed, it CANNOT be reversed or undone. It will be here to stay!

Please vote NO on this referendum on November 8th. OUR NEW ambulance service and existing fire department will not change if you vote NO!
Please forward to fellow villagers . . . . . .