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Old 10-24-2022, 07:59 AM
Santiagogirl Santiagogirl is offline
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Default False assumption

Originally Posted by YeOldeCurmudgeon View Post
Read this interesting article questioning what would happen if the human race turned vegetarian / vegan. This is not to say I am one, though I try to eat less meat, but it would have both positive and negative consequences. At present it is simply unrealistic but it seems to me that eventually, perhaps some centuries into the future, we will be viewed in the same way we view cannibals today.

What Would Happen If the World Suddenly Went Vegetarian?
Interesting article - thank you for sharing. However, anyone assuming that all pasture land can simply be converted to crop production has never attempted to farm. A piece of land may support grazing yet have unsuitable topography, soil, or water resources for growing food crops. The amount of additional soil erosion and depletion from crop conversion could also be sizable, significantly affecting fertility after a relatively short time. (As a girl in the 1970s, I remember my father pointing out scarred areas of land where almost nothing but broomsedge would grow, & saying he remembered folks growing corn there during the Great Depression.) Would like to see some figures based on a more realistic model.