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Old 10-28-2022, 01:50 PM
Whitley Whitley is offline
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Originally Posted by ThirdOfFive View Post
Public forum? Well, the public uses it but the forum itself is privately owned. They can do pretty much what they want, irritating though it is at times.

My personal opinion is that they do a pretty good job overall. I was an online "sheriff" for AOL back in its heyday (few years before Y2K to just after), and you learn pretty quickly that any controversy you involve yourself in becomes unmanageable in a very short time. Best to do your job and keep quiet: don't involve yourself in personal conversation or (even worse) in online discussion about any complaint a subscriber has. Subscribers could air their complaints to the online supervisor who would discuss the issue with the AOL employee involved and then get back to the person making the complaint.
YOU were an aol moderator? I have a bone to pick with you (What does that even mean?). Back in 1992 I was suspended for 7 days for ... .