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Old 11-04-2022, 03:28 PM
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Originally Posted by Dr Winston O Boogie jr View Post
Get rid of the coin toss. The away team gets the ball first just like in baseball.
When a team is penalized and the penalty yardage is more than the distance they have behind them, move the ball halfway to the goal line but add the additional yardage at the other end. For example, a team is on their own 10 yard line and they commit a fifteen yard penalty move the ball to the five but move the sticks ten yards so they have to make it to the thirty for a first down. That way they are actually getting a fifteen yard penalty.
I know that this might be controversial, but because they are so concerned with player safety, especially on kickoffs, they've moved the touchback like to the 25 instead of the twenty. Since most kickoffs go into or over the end zone. I'd just eliminate kickoffs and place the ball on the twenty.
When there is a defensive penalty on a touchdown, it is applied to the ensuing kickoff which is meaningless because all it does is allow the kicking team to kick the ball out of the end zone. I'd place the ball on the 10 yard line and make it first and ten. If it was a fifteen yard penalty, it would be first and fifteen from the ten.
Any other ideas or comments?
QB spiking the ball to stop the clock should be the same as intentional grounding.